Silbersalz24 Science & Media Festival 'Shake Well!?'

Silbersalz 2024 Science & Medial Festival

Present on the science and structural change market:

Between october the 30th and november the 3rd 2024, Halle will be transformed into a place of art, culture, discussion and exchange and #NeueBauhäusler is at work. The occasion? The 7th Science & Media Festival Silbersalz24, a major event with which the Saale-City celebrates science and media in the center of the Central German Region. 'Shake well?!' is the programmatic invitation for everyone to pinch in ideas, have a say, get involved, rethink own viewpoints and listend to new ideas.

The science and structural change market will be set up on november the 2nd and 3rd in the former Galeria Kaufhof Building with the title: The 'Kaufhof of knowledge'. Around 30 actors will present themselves here, including two clay building initiatives from Saxony-Anhalt: GoLehm and Schwemme e. V. Expert information about clay as a building material will be provided, clay building techniques will be demonstrated on a construction site ‘on view’ and active participation will be encouraged. There are also two excursions in the program featuring clay buildings: The photo-shooting tours to clay houses in Halle's Giebichenstein district which are worthy of protection, have a message to convey: ‘Clay is beautiful!’ - Central Germany used to be and still is, a country of building with clay, since this sustainable building material has been used here for thousands of years. Today, clay is a subject relevant for the future. Upon invitation of the Forum Rathenau e.V. under the title 'New European Bauhaus (NEB) - How can the construction turnaround in 2030/2045 succeed in Central Germany?' on sunday, november the 3rd 2024, experts will have a discussion at the CarbonCycleCultureClub (C4) at the 'Kaufhof of knowledge'. Be there live from 11.00 o´clock to 12.30 o´clock, or follow the livestream on YouTube!

More information and registration

Knowlegde - and structural change market at the 'Kaufhof of Knowledge' (former Galeria Kaufhaus)
Saturday, november the 2nd 2024 until sunday, november the 3rd 2024
Between 10.00 and 18.00 o`clock

Excursions ‚Clay is beautiful!‘
Saturday, november the 2nd 2024
1. Excursion: 11.00 until 13.00 o´clock
2. Excursion: 14.00 until 16.00 o´clock

Meeting Point: Main entrance of the prior ‘Galeria Kaufhaus‘ at the market place
Don't forget: A mobile camera to take pictures!

More information

The name of the Science & Media Festival ‘Silbersalz’ commemorates the scientist Johann Heinrich Schulze, who discovered the light sensitivity of silver salts around 300 years ago and thus paved the way for photography and film.