Register until 14th of february 2025, 19:00 CET!
Attention #NeueBauhäusler! Apply!
The European Commission has opened the application portal for the New European Bauhaus (NEB) Prizes 2025! The prizes reward innovative projects and ideas that embody the NEB values, sustainability, inclusivity and aesthetics. That's why the #NeueBauhäusler from Saxony-Anhalt cannot be left out! Be sure to apply!
Realms and Categories
The NEB Prizes 2025 are addressing projects and concepts that have been implemented in the EU, the Western Balkans and Ukraine. The awards go to projects in four established categories that are based on the thematic transformation axes of the New European Bauhaus:
- To re-establish a connection to nature
- To regain a feeling of belonging
- To prioritize places or people, that need it the most.
- To design a circular industrial ecosystem and support the life cycle concept
In each of the four categories there are two parallel competition areas:
- Area A: "New European Bauhaus Champions" is dedicated to existing and completed projects with clear and positive results
- Area B: "New European Bauhaus Rising Stars" is dedicated to concepts from young talents (under 30 years of age) in the spectrum from the idea with a clear plan to the prototype.
What's new
The fifth edition of the NEB Awards contributes to the EU's efforts to improve housing affordability: Four NEB Affordable-Housing-Awards recognize completed projects in the EU that provide sustainable, inclusive, beautiful and affordable housing solutions in line with NEB values and principles.
A total of 22 prizes will be awarded by a jury of experts: In areas A and B, one winner and one runner-up per category. In addition, a winner will be determined in A and B through a public online vote. Four winners of the “NEB Affordable Housing” prizes will be selected across categories in A.
The winners and runner-ups will receive a cash prize of:
- 30 000 EUR for the winners of the New European Bauhaus Champions (Area A)
- 15.000 EUR for the winners of the New European Bauhaus Rising Stars (Bereich B)
- 20.000 EUR for those placed second in the area „New European Bauhaus Champions“ (Area A)
- 10.000 EUR for those placed second in the area New European Bauhaus Rising Stars (Area B)
- 30.000 EUR for the winners in the category „NEB Affordable Housing“.
In addition, winners and runners-up will receive a communication package (e.g. advertising on social media and on the European Commission websites, help with the production of a short video and support with promoting the projects).
Application process
The application phase for the NEB Prizes 2025 runs until 14 February 2025, 19:00 CET. Applications must be submitted via the official platform.
For all questions about registration:
The NEB_NETWORK OFFICE supports, advises and helps.