NEB_ONTOUR! Kleinpaschleben 06.12.2024

NEB_ONTOUR Kleinpaschleben

We will meet in Kleinpaschleben!

Get a deep insight into a NEB_PROJECT: In cooperation with the project actors, the NEB_NETZWERKBÜRO, moderates an exchange between the ones who were involved, external experts and interested parties at the project site, in Kleinpaschleben, for one day. We bring together project ideas, expert knowledge and support. The goal is to advance the #NeueBauhäusler and their partners – to jointly develop strategies in accordance with the criteria and working methods of the EU’s NEB_KOMPASS.

When and where?
We will meet on 06.12.2024, starting from13.30 o´clock.

Place: Familienzentrum Kleinpaschleben, Zabitzer Str. 1
Time: 14.00 o´clock until 18.00 o´clock.

The NEB_ONTOUR day in Kleinpaschleben is again divided into three parts: At 14.00 o`clock a guided tour through the neighborhood will take place. (NEB_NWB + community), at 15.00 o´clock the exhibition of student work/designs (HSA) will open, and at 16.00 o`clock our creative workshop (HSA + NEB) will commence. 

Come and join in!

Register here:

The school building and the large garden of the elementary school in Kleinpaschleben, which closed in 2016, served as a social anchor point for the community since their construction in the 1950s. This function should be retained and developed further. To develop concepts for future use and an upgrade in terms of energy efficiency, the municipality and the Anhalt University of Applied Sciences have come together to develop ideas based on the NEB_CRITERIA with local people and students, which will form the basis for planning the renovation measures.

We are looking forward to a beautiful and sustainable day in Kleinpaschleben!