Warum hat die EU die Initiative zum Neuen Europäischen Bauhaus ausgerufen, mit welchem Ziel? What is the JTF?
And what framework does the state's own regulations establish for NEB funding? What are the "Regulations for the granting of funds for the promotion of projects for the realization of the NEB initiative"? Who is the NEB_NETWORKOFFICE in Saxony-Anhalt? How do I get connected? Here!
What is the New European Bauhaus?
Der NEB-Kompass der EU Initiative zum Neuen Europäischen Bauhaus beschreibt die drei Kernwerte der Initiative und zeigt den Weg auf, wie ein Projekt zu einem “NEB-Projekt” werden kann. Um dies zu erreichen, legt der Kompass auch drei Arbeitsprinzipien fest, die für das gesamte Wertesystem gelten.
What is the JTF?
JTF stands for "Just Transition Fund", an EU fund that provides financial support for innovation, creativity and courage to the regions most affected by the energy transition and from which the state of Saxony-Anhalt intends to use 38 million Euros for innovative NEB projects in the Central German Mining Region in Saxony-Anhalt.
Handout on NEB funding regulations
Saxony-Anhalt mplements JTF funding within the framework of state-specific funding regulations. Even before the publication of the state's own regulations on the EU fund "For a Just Transition - Just Transition Fund (JTF)", a "Handout on the Granting of Funds to Support Projects for the Realization of the New European Bauhaus Initiative of the European Commission" has been issued.
Die Handreichung informiert zu Antragsberechtigung und Förderquote, zu Förderbestimmungen und Projektauswahlkriterien, „Angewandten NEB-Projekten“ und „NEB-Reallaboren“ sowie den NEB_CRITERIA Beautiful. Sustainable. TogetherThe regulations are beeing published soon.