Designing the future.
Developing projects.
The New European Bauhaus
in Saxony-Anhalt (NEB)
Designing the future. Developing projects.
The New European Bauhaus in Saxony-Anhalt (NEB)

NEB – die drei Buchstaben stehen für das „Neue Europäische Bauhaus“. Die EU-Initiative flankiert Europas Weg – den GREEN DEAL – in die Klimaneutralität und ruft zum gemeinsamen Handeln auf. Sachsen-Anhalt ist dabei und sucht EU-gefördert konkrete Ideen, Vorhaben und Visionen. Das NEB_NETZWERKBÜRO arbeitet seit 1. Juli 2023 im Auftrag der Staatskanzlei des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt, Stabsstelle Strukturwandel im Mitteldeutschen Revier und berät und begleitet die Akteurinnen und Akteure mit ihren Projekten. Sie sind #NeueBauhäusler.

Logo Land Sachsen-Anhalt #moderndenken


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Impulse für nachhaltiges Bauen und urbane Transformation

How to become a NEB project? NEB_CRITERIA.


Every selected concept within the NEB_NETWORK will be made more useful, more beautiful and more sustainable. Product or design, together with experts, designers and artists marketable ideas go to production and sale. We support building industry transition and architecture, that bases on resource-saving, historic, contemporary and newly developed construction materials and methods. Sustainability is neither expensive, nor ugly. A new Baukultur, new forms in aesthetics and social cohesion: NEB. beautiful.


NEB returns to the roots. The historic Bauhaus. Saxony-Anhalt is the bauhaus - state. Architecture, craftmanship and design, science and technology, art and culture get back on stage. The structural transition in the district gives the chance to create new living- and working enviroments with new approaches. New methods - new thinking. The NEB, an experimental ground, shows to the world, how designing and building can be planet and resource friendly: NEB.sustainable.


Together we show, how to handle crises and industrial transition. Often our district has been left behind. We are ready to pioneer future technologies. We make ground for the smartest heads in the world, to join in our districts pioneering spirit. Genius loci is alive. Join in, network, exchange your ideas and build a new, inclusive district. Become #NeueBauhäusler, be part of NEB_FAMILY: NEB. together.





NEB_ONTOUR! Kleinpaschleben 06.12.2024